Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Mittelfristig (1 bis 5 Jahre)
Mikro (Individuum)

better understanding of diversity and the needs of others in the community

diversitätsorientiertes Lernen

These new experiences promote a better understanding of diversity and the needs of others in their local community (for example, the elderly and disabled), of the environment, and a diversity of recreational, sporting and social pursuits not previously experienced.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Advance programme by Victoria University
Advance is a flexible school-based programme for young people to volunteer or implement a project of benefit to their communities in the state of Victoria, in Australia.
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

Quantitative Fragebogenerhebung (schriftlich/offline)
Data collected through pre- and post-surveys of young people and a summative questionnaire undertaken by teachers.
young people’s perceptions of personal attributes, skills, knowledge and community engagement at the point of entry and exit from the programme
The surveys employed a 5-point Likert scale; Levels range from 1 for "Strongly Disagree" to 5 for "Strongly Agree", with 3 ("Neither Agree nor Disagree") effectively a neutral response.
1,056 young people completed the pre-programme survey, representing around 8 per cent of the 14,129 young people participating in Advance in 2008. A total of 985 young people (7 per cent) completed the post-programme survey. A total of 35 teachers and 24 community partners completed the respective school and community group postprogramme surveys
2007 - 2008