Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
gaining new insights about controversial social issues in the communities
gesellschaftliche Stellung bzw. Wahrnehmung
The young people highlighted many aspects of the workshops delivered by youth workers that they particularly enjoyed. For instance, they drew attention to the new insights they had gained about controversial social issues in their communities.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
inter-agency partnership between teachers in three schools and youth workers from a long-established youth and community organisation in Glasgow
Over a period of 30 school weeks spanning across three school terms during the 2010–2011 session, youth workers facilitated participation in workshops three times per week in each school, where young people explored the social issues they commonly face, including gang/territorial issues, alcohol/drug dependency and ASB, and youth workers engaged the youngsters in moral reasoning and team-building skills.
30 school weeks, 2010-2011
young people aged 11-12
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
The first author visited the schools on several occasions before, during and after the implementation of the intervention workshops. He observed the interactions between youth workers and pupils and conducted semi-structured interviews. In the early stages of the intervention, initial interviews with link teachers (heads of secondary 1 [S1], support for learning and/or relevant guidance teachers) in each school and youth workers involved in the project were followed by semi-structured interviews with the participating young people. Several months after the initial fieldwork was completed, follow-up interviews were conducted with the same young people.
35 young people
Ross Deuchar & Jennifer Ellis (2013) ‘It’s helped me with my anger and I’m realising where I go in life’: the impact of a Scottish youth work / schools intervention on young people’s responses to social strain and engagement with anti-social behaviour and gang culture, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 18:1-2, 98-114, DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2013.755841