Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
decrease in political participation for program graduates
politische Kompetenzen und Partizipation
Relative to their age peers, the study subjects participate at very high levels in all the forms of civic/political participation examined. This is easiest to see in their reported rates of voting. When asked whether they voted in the last presidential election, 92 percent of the subjects said "yes." (Even allowing for some level of over reporting, this is roughly double the percentage of their peers who normally vote in presidential contests.) It is just that, at 89 percent, the graduates had the lowest voting rate of the three subject groups. The graduates lag significantly behind one or both of the other groups in their current levels of participation in "civic activity," "institutional politics" and "social movements."
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Ausbildungsprogramm "Teach for America" für PraktikerInnen/ JugendarbeiterInnen
Ausbildung der PraktikerInnen/ JugendarbeiterInnen
2 years (for completing the program)
2,771 individuals
PraktikerInnen/ JugendarbeiterInnen/ MentorInnen
Evaluierung der Aktivität
The study includes every individual who applied to and was accepted by TFA in the years 1993-1998. This population includes "graduates," "dropouts" and "non-matriculants." Graduates are those who completed the two year teaching commitment, dropouts are those who began the program but left sometime before completing the two years, and non-matriculants are those who were accepted by TFA but declined the offer. Whenever available, the survey was mailed to the applicant's last known address as provided by TFA.
indicators of political participation: voting, institutional politics
Of the 2,771 individuals whom TFA told us they had accepted from 1993 through 1998, we were able to locate all but 230 using our various tracking procedures. These "missing" individuals were removed from our sample. We then mailed surveys to the remaining 2,541 accepted applicants. In response to our efforts, we received a total of 1,124 completed surveys for an overall response rate of 44.2 percent
The surveys were completed and returned from May of 2001 through April of 2002