Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
raising the racial consciousness of the participants
diversitätsorientiertes Lernen
As highlighted by their words, young people identified ways in which this learning affects their own thinking about themselves, their racial group, and their action toward challenging stereotypes. Engaging in dialogue with one another about the effects of stereotypes in their own lives seemed to help raise their own racial consciousness and to help them to begin to think critically about media and society driven notions of racial identity.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Intergroup Dialogues Program
The 8-week summer program brings together young people of African, Asian, European, Latino/a, and Middle Eastern descent across city and suburb to dialogue on issues of race and ethnicity. Youth engagement and learning about race in a group setting includes a youth-led participatory program evaluation. The case study offers insights on the learning experience and context of youth engagement in community-based intergroup dialogues. Themes include (1) discussing race, (2) learning skills to communicate across different races, (3) grappling with privilege and oppression, and (4) developing leadership.
8 weeks
average age of participants was 16
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Quantitative Fragebogenerhebung (schriftlich/offline), Qualitative Interviewbefragungen (persönlich), Teilnehmende Beobachtung, Fokusgruppen, Sekundäranalyse von Daten, Dokumenten, audiovisuellen Materialien etc.
Each year the program is evaluated using a multimethod approach. The evaluation uses traditional approaches such as a pre- and post-test survey, focus groups, and interviews, in addition to participatory approaches. This article analyzes information using program materials collected during the Youth Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity program from the summer of 2007, including program grants, curriculum, the youth-led participatory evaluation report, and evaluation findings summary.
88 adolescencents from 16 community agency teams