Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Mittelfristig (1 bis 5 Jahre)
Mikro (Individuum)

increase of educational attainment as well as college attendance

Veränderung der schulischen Leistungen und Perspektiven

The ChalleNGe program evaluation indicates that its principal benefit is to increase educational attainment, employment, and earnings. This program evaluation demonstrated strong causal effects of being admitted to the ChalleNGe program on educational attainment and employment. Thirty-six months following randomization, admission to the program had increased GED attainment by 22 percentage points, traditional high school degree attainment by 4 percentage points, some college attendance by 16 percentage points, vocational training and employment by 7 percentage points, and annual earnings by $2,266 (an increase of 20 percent).

Beschreibung der Aktivität

ChalleNGe program, an intensive residential mentoring program
Program participants are housed togehter often on a National Guard base or at a training center, the program immerses participants in a quasi-military environment in which they focus on discipline, academic excellence, teamwork, physical fitness, leadership and service to the community.
phase one: 22 weeks, one-year post-residential phase
more than 8200 young people each year
16-18 years
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

Sonstige (nicht kategorisierbar)
This cost-benefit analysis benefits from the rigorous evaluation of the ChalleNGe program conducted by MDRC. In 2005, however, with the support the Department of Defense and a variety of nonprofit foundations, MDRC, an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan social policy research organization, designed and implemented a rigorous evaluation of the ChalleNGe program (hereafter referred to as the “ChalleNGe program evaluation”), employing random assignment that yields estimates of the causal effect of the program on a variety of important life outcomes. The ChalleNGe program evaluation randomly assigned a sample of eligible applicants to be either admitted or denied admission to the program. The evaluation then measured educational, labor market, criminal justice, health, and other outcomes of admitted and nonadmitted applicants approximately 9, 21, and 36 months following entry into the study.
Benefit per Admittee in $, 2010 (0) total costs of the programme (1) Lifetime earnings (2) Cost of education (3) Social welfare dependency (4) Criminal activity (5) service to the community (6) deadweight loss of taxation (15%) (7) total benefits (8) net benefits (a) benefit-cost-ratio (b) return on investment (c ) internal rate of return
(0) - $15,436 (1) $43,514 (2) - $4,860 (3) $249 (4) $662 (5) $423 (6) $997 (7) $40,985 (8) $25,549 (a) 2.66 (b) 166% (c ) 6.4%