Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
higher levels of satisfaction with the mentor for girls in long-term relationships
Beziehungsaufbau und Interaktiosfähigkeiten
The medium- to long-term increase in satisfaction was larger for girls than for boys. In addition, girls appeared to be less satisfied than boys in short- and medium-term relationships, but were more satisfied than boys in long-term relationships.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
big brothers big sisters mentoring program
impact of gender on the big brothers big sisters mentoring program, as seen in eight selected agencies in America from more than 500 nationwide
10 to 14 years, average age 12,25
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
This study included 1138 youth who applied to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) programs (Grossman & Tierney, 1998; Note: This is a secondary source. For more information, please check the bibliography of Rhodes et al 2008). Applicants were randomly assigned to the treatment or control group, and were administered questions at baseline and 18 months later. Eight BBBSA agencies from more than 500 nationwide were selected to participate based on having a large, active case load and a waiting list of children. Over a 12-month intake period between 1992 and 1993, youth were informed about the study and were verified as being eligible. Once each youth agreed to participate (and parents signed informed consent forms), he or she was randomly assigned to either the treatment group (immediate matching with a mentor) or control group (12-month waitlist for a mentor). Baseline telephone interviews were conducted before subjects were informed of their experimental status, and additional telephone interviews were conducted 18 months later.
The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) (23 items), length of relationship, youth-mentor relationship quality inventory (YMRQI) (15 items)
IPPA - 3 subscales: Communication (e.g., my mother can tell when I am upset about something), trust (e.g., my father respects my feelings), and alienation (e.g., talking over problems with my mother makes me feel ashamed or foolish). YMRQI - 4 subscales: Not dissatisfied (three reverse-coded items, e.g., ‘‘I wish my mentor was different’’), helped to cope (three items, e.g., ‘‘my mentor has lots of good ideas about how to solve a problem’’), not unhappy (five reverse-coded items, e.g., ‘‘when I’m with my mentor, I feel bored’’), and trust not broken (four reverse-coded items, e.g., ‘‘I feel that I can’t trust my mentor with secrets because s/he would tell my parent/guardian’’).
IPPA: 4-point scale, ranging from 1 (hardly ever true) to 4 (very often true)
1138 youth included in the study
1993 (baseline), 18 months later