Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
reduction of public expenses for participants of the cognitive-behavioral intervention
The mean of expenditures for the cognitive-behavioral (CB) group is significantly lower than for either the intensive supervision and monitoring (ISM) or control group. In fact, on average the justice system spent less than one third as much on subsequent court referrals and days of detention for participants in the CB group than it did for those in the control group. These observations provide preliminary evidence that the CB intervention technique was more cost-beneficial in the short run than either the RP or ISM technique.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
community-based intensive supervision and monitoring and cognitive-behavioral intervention techniques
Community-based intensive supervision and monitoring and cognitive-behavioral intervention techniques; Participants received treatment in their local home communities. Each of the three county youth courts participating in the study undertook one of three intervention approaches: regular probation, ISM and CB.
youths between the ages of 11 and 17
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Quantitative Fragebogenerhebung (schriftlich/offline), Sekundäranalyse von Daten, Dokumenten, audiovisuellen Materialien etc.
A classic quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the effects of community-based intensive supervision and monitoring (ISM) and cognitive-behavioral (CB) intervention techniques on justice system expenditures for court referrals and court-ordered detention for a sample of youth offenders on probation or parole in Mississippi. The outcomes for participants in the two experimetal groups (ISM and CB) were analyzed in comparison to the outcomes for a control group consisting of participants experiencing standard probation or parole oversight by their local court authorities. Data was collected for each participant from a variety of primary and secondary sources over the course of an 18-month period. Each participant completed an assessment packet consisting of the Million Adolescent Personality Inventory (MAPI), the Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire (PESQ), questionnaires concerning personal behavior and substance use and the urin drug screening.
(a) reduced justice system expenditures per participant during the investigative sample (=short run marginal benefit of the program to the local justice system and ultimately to the taxpaying public) (b) costs per program participant during the investigative period (c) direct short run marginal benefits (a-b) (d) standard cost-to-benfit ratio for the investigative period
(a) $ 2,928 (b) $ 1,493 (c ) $ 1,435 (d) 1.96
293 participants
18 months