Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
improved working relationships with the families
Beziehungsaufbau und Interaktiosfähigkeiten
The assessment from Action for Children in these cases was influential for two main reasons. First, the family was seen through “fresh eyes” and with a renewed chance of providing evidence of the family's ability to change. Some families will engage more easily with staff from the voluntary sector than with those from the statutory sector, so one of the barriers to change may have been removed. The importance of workers establishing effective, trusting relationships with families and gaining access to homes should not be understated.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
UK Neglect Project
intensive family support programme (IFS) to provide effective, lasting intervention for famlies and children most in need
5 years
Familienangehörige bzw. andere Bezugspersonen
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Already cognisant of the limited results achieved by short-term, snapshot reviews, the commissioners planned for a longitudinal approach which would allow researchers to follow families from referral to closure, and to pursue the work of individual centres over a period of development of working practices and improvement of data recording. Including time to set the evaluation up and to conclude analysis and reporting, a four year evaluation was commissioned from November 2008 to July 2012.The evaluation was based on quantitative recording of the level of concern about neglect in 14 areas at least on referral and on closure; electronic recording of key characteristics of the child, the parents and the environment; and review of textual data in files for detail of issues on referral, specific interventions, and evidence of outcome for the child. Serial review of the files and scores allowed for the longitudinal recording of progress, or lack of it, in each case.
The instrument is divided into three general areas of concern: physical care, safety and supervision, and emotional care, each populated by a number of specific elements (14 in total).
1) Physical care: Nutrition, Housing, Clothing, Hygiene, Health 2) Area of care and safety: Awareness, Practice, Traffic, Safety features 3) Emotional care: Carer behaviour, Mutual engagement, Stimulation
The items are scored from 1 to 5, higher scores indicating increasing levels of a concern.
November 2008 to July 2012