Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
helping young people to gain practical skills
Erwerb von fach- und bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen
The nature of youth work points to the fact that participants are exposed to an environment where they have an opportunity to gain practical skills. Access to skills may not be readily available in other settings, such as in a formal education setting. When asked their views on the importance of youth work in helping young people to gain these practical skills, 70.8% of responding organisations indicated that this was a very significant aspect of their activities.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
youth work interventions organised by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI)
NYCI functions to represent the interests of young people and voluntary youth organisations.
383,000 young people benefiting from a wide range of programmes and services
largest group of participants are between the ages of 10 and 15, representing 35% of the overall number of young people involved. The 16 to 20 year old group represents another 29.1% of youth beneficiaries, while 21.4% of beneficiaries are less than 10 years of age
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
This study, for the first time, evaluates in quantified terms via a cost benefit analysis the following direct and indirect benefits of youth work: Direct benefits, measured through: The economic value of volunteering and paid employment; The multiplier impacts of youth organisation expenditures; Indirect benefits, measured in terms of the estimated longer run costs avoided by the State through the provision of youth programmes and supports, under the following areas: Justice-related benefits; Health-related benefits; Welfare-related benefits; and Education-related benefits. This is assessed over a 10-year time horizon using an economic Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) framework. CBA is a best practice appraisal technique which enables costs and benefits that occur across different points in time to be aggregated and compared in present value terms (using appropriate discounting), with the objective of ascertaining whether a programme or project yields a net return (i.e. whether the benefits exceed the costs).
(1) benefit-cost-ratio (BCR)
(1) 2.22:1 (This is equivalent to indicating that the benefits of youth work programmes exceed the costs by a factor of 2.22 over this period)
10-year time horizon