Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
improved school-related outcomes by learning transferable skills
Veränderung der schulischen Leistungen und Perspektiven
Children and young people have also learned transferable skills as a result of Start (such as a wider vocabulary and stronger writing skills) and applied these to other curriculum subjects such as English and History.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Start Programme
partnerships between arts venues and schools as part of the Start programme aimed to offer disadvantaged young people opportunities to engage in creative activities
over three years
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Qualitative Interviewbefragungen (persönlich), Qualitative Interviewbefragung (telefonisch), Teilnehmende Beobachtung
This research consisted of five case studies of partnership working between arts organisations and primary or secondary schools involved in the Start programme. The five organisations were identified by Children & the Arts and selected for inclusion in the research based on the development of their strong relationships with schools over a period of three or more years. NFER liaised with each of the five arts partners to identify partner schools and arrange fieldwork. Each of the case studies involved a visit to one school, consultations with arts partners (telephone interview), lead teachers for Start, the head teacher or senior leader and children and young people involved in the programme (face-to-face interviews). Overall, the case studies involved five arts/cultural organisations, one infant school, three primary schools and one secondary school.
phase 1 may-july 2013, phase 2 may-july 2014