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Mikro (Individuum)

improved partnership working between organisations

institutionelle Zusammenarbeit

Improved partnership working is a key impact reported by representatives of partner organisations during this project. Key benefits include increased openness and transparency, a greater willingness to share resources, a smarter and more joined up approach to accessing funding and a reduction in duplication of services. It was noted that this was a result of recognising that all organisations are committed to achieving better outcomes for Children and Families – “everybody is in it to make lives better”.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

early interventions in Children's Centres
Children's Centres were intended as a key tool in combating child poverty and social exclusion and sought to deliver universal (open to all) integrated health, social care and education provision in order to improve the health and development of children and their families living in deprived communities.
Einrichtungen/ Träger der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit

Evaluierung der Aktivität

Visits to eight Children’s Centres were organised in order to access a wide range of users and activities. Informal interviews were conducted either on a one-to-one basis or in pairs, triads or small groups depending on the situation and what was most appropriate at the time. Across all of the interview groups the researcher used a standardised approach drawing from a list of predetermined questions as appropriate and within the bounds of allowing ‘conversation’ to flow. In larger group interviews (and also some one-to-one interviews) a narrative or ‘story telling’ approach was taken whereby the researcher took a light touch approach and enabled the participant(s) to tell their story with limited interference or questioning. In total 73 service users contributed to the research. The researcher spoke with 12 staff, including centre coordinators, the employability lead and frontline staff during the visits. In addition, a more formal staff focus group (n=7) was conducted. The researcher also met with two groups of volunteers (n=7) and two partner focus groups (n=14).
October and November of 2012