Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Kurzfristig (< 1 Jahr)
Mikro (Individuum)

greater awareness of children of child protection issues


Over a three year period, 20% increase in the number of children reporting child protection issues following Child Wellbeing Club (CWC) guidance. Children report a greater awareness of child protection issues and of being able to influence positive responses to risks, often through informal channels.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

The objectives of the pilot community project included the outreach and service provision to children living unsupported on the streets, psychosocial counselling and life skillls at drop-in centres, reintegration of children with their families and support to caregivers, interventions in vulnerable communities to enrole vulnerable women in self help groups, establishing child-led child wellbeing clubs to raise awareness of child protection issues as well as community education to promote child protection awareness and response.
October 2012- September 2015
over 300 children
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

This final evaluation report is based on a review of ongoing monitoring data, as well as additional primary data collection to understand the changes in the lives of the beneficiaries. The methodology for this evaluation included participatory tools such as: • Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with representatives from each SHG. Three FGDs were conducted, one session per Woreda with 12 women participating (two representatives from each SHG); • FGDs with CWC representatives from schools. Three FGDs were conducted, one session per Woreda at a selected school with 8-12 children participating; • Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with selected government officials, religious and community leaders, and other relevant stakeholders.