Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Mittelfristig (1 bis 5 Jahre)
Mikro (Individuum)

improved social and parenting skils

Erwerb von fach- und bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen

IIPs often achieved 'soft' transformative outcomes including reduced risky behaviours, enhanced psychological wellbeing and social and parenting skills, and improved domestic environments (emotional, social and physical). IIPs had also achieved crisis management or the stabilisation of young people and families which were essential to the further achievement of transformative outcomes.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Intensive Intervention Projects as part of the Youth Task Force Action Plan
The projects focused on providing support to the most challenging individual young people who were not being supported by other services. The projects were established across England and delivered by local authorities, third sector organizations and a registered social landlord.
ca. 1000 young people
age range 8 to 19 years
Familienangehörige bzw. andere Bezugspersonen

Evaluierung der Aktivität

The Department for Education (formerly the Department for Children, Schools and Families) commissioned a qualitative and cost-benefit evaluation of IIPs to complement the evaluation of IIPs being conducted by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen). The evaluation included longitudinal case studies of 15 young people and economic analysis in five IIPs and interviews with key stakeholders involved in the national IIP programme.