Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Kurzfristig (< 1 Jahr)
Mikro (Individuum)

improvement of problem solving abilities for participants

Erwerb von fach- und bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen

The programme was very effective in increasing empathy levels, problem solving, grit, and community skills relative to control students - in each of these areas, statistically significant differences are observed. Young people who experienced the programme showed, on average, a level of empathy 6% greater than those who did not experience the intervention. Those students were also more adept in problem-solving than the control students. Additionally, those who participated in social action showed a level of grit (7.0) that was signifciantly above that of the young people who did not participate (6.4). Similarly, the level of community investment among young people was considerably higher among participants than control students.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Schulbezogene Jugendarbeit
Citizenship Foundation, Community Service Volunteers, Envision, Voluntary Action Within Kent
Organisations working with young people funded by the Youth Social Action Fund, working across the country on a diverse range of social action projects targeted at young people in a variety of settings: teaching young people what is entailed in citizenship, enabling people to take an active role in their communities by volunteering or mentoring young people, creating awareness for social and environmental problems.
young people aged 10-20
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

Quantitative Fragebogenerhebung (schriftlich/offline)
It was decided that randomised controlled trials would be used to determine programme impact. By taking a large enough group of trial participants, it is possible to allocate participants such that some receive "treatment" (in this case, participation in a social action initiative) and some do not. Those that do not are referred to as the "control" group.