Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
improved communication skills
persönliche Entwicklung / Erwerb von sozialen und personalen Kompetenzen
The majority of teenagers also felt they knew more about the different areas of the T&T curriculum as a result of the programme. In particular, 66% of teenagers in the intervention group felt they knew a lot more about child development, 62% said they knew a lot more about giving and receiving negative feedback, and 60% said that they knew more about communication, listening and conversation skills.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
"Teens and Toddlers" (T&T) youth development and teenage pregnancy prevention programme
The programme aims to decrease teenage pregnancy by raising aspirations and educational attainment of at risk teenagers by providing practical experience of working with children, educating teens about the realities of pregnancy, providing counselling and mentoring etc.
18 to 20 week programme
13-17 year old teenagers, avearge age is 13,5 years
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Quantitative Fragebogenerhebung (schriftlich/offline), Sekundäranalyse von Daten, Dokumenten, audiovisuellen Materialien etc.
The T&T programme has previously been internally evaluated through analyses of retrospective data from annual surveys of young people aged under 20 who completed the programme at least six months ago (Humphrey 2011, Humphrey 2010, Humphrey 2009; Note: This is a secondary source. For more information, please check the bibliography of Maisey et al 2012). However, the strength of these analyses is limited by the lack of a control group. Without a control group, it is impossible to assess the degree to which the outcomes observed are due to the intervention and not to other factors. A randomised controlled trial (RCT) overcomes this limitation since it allows the effects of the intervention to be disentangled from the effects of other factors and background noise (e.g. maturational, seasonal or other time-related factors that might affect outcomes). This trial forms part of a wider evaluation that included a stage of formative qualitative work and a process evaluation (Jessiman et al. 2012; Note: This is a secondary source. For more information, please check the bibliography of Maisey et al 2012).
449 teenagers entered the trial (228 in the control arm and 221 in the intervention arm)