Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Mittelfristig (1 bis 5 Jahre)
Mikro (Individuum)

improved employability for volunteers

Berufliche Orientierung

Quantitative data from this research not only supports existing findings about the effect and impact that volunteering can have on young people’s skill acquisition, but broadens and diversifies these debates. The majority of respondents indicated that volunteering across Gamechangers benefited their employability; 95% strongly/agreed that volunteering had helped them to develop skills and improve their CVs. Many of the respondents also indicated that they had been able to gain relevant work experience (80%) as a consequence of their engagement with Gamechangers which better prepared them not only for the world of work in general (75%) but for their chosen career paths (68%). As a consequence, a significant proportion indicated that they either felt more employable (78%) or believed that they would now be recognised or promoted in future paid work (76%). More than half of active volunteers (55%) claimed to have found some kind of paid work as a direct result of being involved with Gamechangers.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Gamechangers programme administered by the independent charity Vinspired
Vinspired is an initiative promoting and enabling volunteering, aims to make volunteering diverse, attractive and accessible to a wide range of young people; Gamechangers is a programme enabling young people to volunteer at major sporting events.
over 2500 volunteers
young people (aged 14-19)
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

Primary data was collected via the following methods: • Questionnaire survey of 200 Gamechangers volunteers engaged as active participants and leaders; • Placement observations with Gamechangers volunteers and leaders; • One-to-one interviews; • Evaluation reports; • Focus group with leaders, and voluntary, statutory and community-based stakeholder partners and stakeholders; • Focus group interviews with parents and local residents, and YNC; • Documentary analysis of existing quantitative and qualitative data (local, regional, national) and published reports (including policy) on this and similar initiatives.
Gamechangers’ capacity to help foster employability and educational skills: Volunteer responses
Developed my skills and improved my CV; Helped me gain work experience; Helped me gain recognised qualifications; Helped me fulfil my job aspirations; Volunteering has improved my chances of being recognised or promoted in future paid jobs; Helped me find paid work; Helped find/enrol on a vocational course; Helped me find/enrol on a college course; Allowed me to gain recognised sports qualifications (e.g. coaching certificates); Helped me to be (more) employable; Prepared me for the world of work; Helped me choose/define my career aspirations; Helped me find/enrol on a degree programme.
greatly increased; increased; stayed the same; decreased; decreased greatly
October 2010-March 2012