Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
improved engagement of beneficiaries with their communities
gesellschaftliche Partizipation
The findings also suggest that social action has the potential to improve beneficiaries’ views of young people and help them feel more engaged with their communities. The great majority of beneficiaries surveyed were positive about the impact of youth social action. The majority (63%) of beneficiaries surveyed claimed they were more likely to take part in social action themselves as a result of the activities they saw young people carry out.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Uniformed Youth Social Action Funds (UYSAF) 1
UYSAF 1 and 2 form part of the UK Government’s commitment to provide more opportunities for young people to take part in social action. Social action in this context is defined as ‘practical action in the service of others’; the term incorporates volunteering, as well as other activities that aim to help society and/or improve the environment, such as campaigning.
Stadtteil/ Sozialraum
Evaluierung der Aktivität
The evaluation of UYSAF 1 explores the impact of youth social action on those individuals that the activities aimed to benefit (beneficiaries). Working closely with 40 selected Uniformed Youth Group units that were funded through UYSAF 1, questionnaires were administered to 1,011 beneficiaries of youth social action during the period 15 June - 30 December 2015. Beneficiaries are defined as those individuals or groups on the receiving end of social action activities, such as residents at an old age home visited by Uniformed Youth Groups, members of the community who witnessed Uniformed Youth Groups collecting litter and staff working at a homeless shelter. This survey represents a first attempt to quantitatively measure the impact of social action on its beneficiaries directly; previous research in the field has typically measured the impact of activities on beneficiaries indirectly – by using measures collected from participants – or has used qualitative approaches.
1011 survey participants
15 June -30 December 2015