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improvement of local services due to the programme

Entwicklungsprozesse in Organisationen der Jugendarbeit

It is difficult to attribute and quantify the improvements to the services resulting from the programme due to the wide range of services inspected, the variation in the recommendations, and uncertainty as to how the changes that were undertaken will translate into benefits for the wider community. There were a significant number of recommendations for improving awareness and external marketing of health services and we have looked at this area to provide an indication of potential benefits from improvements in this aspect of these services.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Youth4U – Young Inspectors (YI) programme
The Youth4U – Young Inspectors programme was implemented and delivered by local authorities or voluntary sector agencies in 33 areas in England. Vulnerable and marginalized young people were recruited and trained as young inspectors whose central task was to undertake inspections of services within their local area and write reports of the inspections which included recommendations for service improvement. The programme included a wide range of services, such as policing, sexual health, transport, leisure, information, guidance and so on. The Inspection techniques used were observation, mystery shopping, interview with the service providers as well as surveys of service users.
1.459 youth inspectors recruited, 402 left the programme before finishing
young people aged 13-19 (or up to 25 for disabled young people)
VernetzungspartnerInnen (weitere Organisationen der Jugendarbeit, öffentliche Institutionen)

Evaluierung der Aktivität

In 2011 NCB published an evaluation report of the Youth4U – Young Inspectors programme. Information for the evaluation was gathered from the following sources: (a) YI baseline survey – a self-completion survey completed by YIs at the end of their training session; (b) YI follow-up survey – completed by a sub-set of YIs at the end of the programme, including the same questions to the baseline survey as well as others on the outcomes of the programme; (c) YI focus groups – incorporated questions and practical activities to gather more in-depth information on issues such as the experience of the YIs in participating in the programme; (d) Local support worker (LSW) monitoring forms – completed on a monthly basis by the LSWs for each YI recruited to the programme.; (e) LSW and senior manager interviews ; (f) Service provider surveys and interviews. The data used in this report are drawn from the results of the NCB Evaluation Report.