Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
development of intercultural and foreign language competences
diversitätsorientiertes Lernen
The outcomes of the surveys suggest that the involvement in YiA projects contributes to the development of the four permanent priorities of the YiA programme, especially to the development of citizenship competences in a broad sense and in particular to the development of intercultural and foreign language competences of both participants and project leaders. This includes the development of respective skills and knowledge, but also of attitudes and values, for example: respect for other cultures and appreciation of cultural diversity; solidarity, tolerance and individual freedom; ‘feeling as a European’.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
RAY: Research-based analysis and monitoring of the YiA (Youth in Action) Programme
Youth in Action (YiA) fosters participation, active citizenship and competence development of young people, youth workers and youth leaders through non-formal education and learning; RAY aims to contribute to quality assurance and development in the implementation of the YiA Programme as well as to evidence-based and research-informed youth policy development. RAY seeks to generate new knowledge about the processes and outcomes of non-formal education and learning mobility in general and more specifically about non-formal youth education activities with an international dimension.
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Quantitative Fragebogenerhebungen (online/telefonisch), Qualitative Interviewbefragungen (persönlich), Fokusgruppen
In principle, research-based analysis and monitoring of YiA uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative social research methods. Based on concepts and research instruments developed by the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Innsbruck in Austria (the research partner of the Austrian National Agency of YiA), two multilingual online questionnaires aimed at exploring the effects of YiA projects were created – one for participants and another for project leaders/team members. So-called ‘Standard Surveys’ using these questionnaires (now available in 16 languages) have been conducted on a regular basis since 2009 and will be continued until 2014 in order to collect data for most of the duration of the YiA Programme. In a second step, multilingual questionnaires for a ‘Special Survey’ on learning in YiA were developed in 2012 for the purpose of exploring the educational approaches, design, methodology and methods applied in YiA projects. Between October 2009 and May 2013, more than 100,000 participants and project leaders/team members of YiA projects were invited to take part in the RAY online surveys and more than 30,000 completed the respective questionnaires. Complementary to the surveys, a study using qualitative methods – interviews and group discussions – was conducted in 10 countries in order to explore deeper the learning processes and outcomes of YiA projects as well as to further develop the research approach and instruments applied in RAY. Further qualitative studies on a variety of aspects related to YiA were conducted by individual RAY Network members at the national level.
Effects of projects on participants from the perspective of participants and project leaders; Participants’ self-perceptions of effects the project had on them with respect to YiA objectives and priorities.
… feel more European; … became more respective for Europe‘s multi-culturality; … are more prepared to study, work or live in another country; … got a clearer idea about further educational pathway; … got a clearer idea about professional career aspirations and goals; ... believe that job chances increased; … are readier to pursue further education or training; I participate in societal and/or political life; I am interested in European issues; I am committed to work against discrimination, intolerance, xenophobia and racism; disadvantaged people have my support.
to a smaller extent; to the same extent; to a greater extent
30000 participants in the surveys