Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
development of competences for acquiring funds for projects
Entwicklungsprozesse in Organisationen der Jugendarbeit
More than 63% say that they are now better able to acquire financial support for activities involving young people.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
RAY: Research-based analysis and monitoring of the YiA (Youth in Action) Programme
The main objectives of the YiA Programme are the promotion of active and democratic citizenship among young people, in particular their participation in public and political life and in civil society. This objective is closely linked to other objectives and priorities of the YiA Programme: the development of solidarity in order to foster social cohesion, in particular through the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities; the promotion of respect for cultural diversity and of intercultural learning as well as standing up against racism and xenophobia; and the promotion of European citizenship, in particular by fostering young people’s awareness that they are citizens of Europe and that they engage themselves actively in European issues.
Wirkungen, die in anderen YiA-Berichten thematisiert wurden, wurden nicht wiederholt. Aus dem vorliegenden Bericht wurden nur die zusätzlichen Informationen in die Wirkungsbox eingetragen.
Einrichtungen/ Träger der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
Evaluierung der Aktivität
In principle, research-based analysis and monitoring of YiA uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative social research methods: standardised surveys with project participants, project leaders and key staff of beneficiary organisations as well as applicant organisations that were rejected; case studies and longitudinal studies of selected projects; action research in selected projects; interviews with different actors involved in YiA projects as well as with youth leaders and youth workers not participating in YiA; focus groups with participants, project leaders and staff of beneficiary organisations. For the present study only standardised surveys with project participants and project leaders were implemented.
3.470 project participants in the survey
November 2010 to May 2011