Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
improved training outcomes
Berufliche Orientierung
SGT’s database of outcomes shows that the training undertaken by SGT clients ranged from Level 1 – Level 4. This included training providing practical skills across a wide range of sectors and occupations such as plumbing, construction, beauty, sports, health and social care. Most of the training outcomes were at Level 1 and 2 but a few were at Level 3 and Level 4. At Level 1 many of SGT clients were improving their numeracy and English skills. For those with Level 2 training outcomes many of the clients were undertaking BTEC Level 2 employability training.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
St Giles Trust’s Choices project
The St Giles Trust’s Choices project aims to help young people aged 16 – 24 in London, West Yorkshire and South Wales to re-engage with education, progress into training and/or move into or closer to employment and thereby realising their potential. This is done via one-to-one and group work sessions. Moreover, Choices provides advice and support to help young people become motivated and helps to find a work placement, training course, apprenticeship or job.
1.132 registered clients (Jahr 2014)
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
In Phase 1 of the evaluation the PBE team undertook a qualitative survey of SGT’s team leaders and caseworkers and their clients. This helped the team develop a better understanding of the impacts of SGT’s Choices programme and informed the process of creating an evaluation framework. A telephone survey was conducted in Summer 2014 with interviews taking up to 30 minutes. Overall 4 team leaders, 6 caseworkers and 18 clients were interviewed.
(1) lifetime benefits associated with the acquisition of Apprenticeships at Level 2 (2) lifetime benefits associated with the acquisition of Apprenticeships at Level 3
(1) between £48,000 and £74,000 (2) between £77,000 and £117,000