Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
improved education outcomes
Veränderung der schulischen Leistungen und Perspektiven
32 outcomes achieved through Choices were education outcomes. The majority of these were ‘gained accreditation at Level 1’. Department for Education (2014; Note: This is a secondary source. For more information, please check the bibliography of Davies 2016.) research shows that there are high wage, and particularly employment returns to achieving 1-2 good GCSEs (i.e. Level 2 qualifications). These combine to produce very large productivity gains compared to no qualifications ranging from £110,395 (women) to £170,984 (men). This disparity between lifetime productivity for men and women could partly be due to the different sectors and occupations that men and women go into.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
St Giles Trust’s Choices project
The St Giles Trust’s Choices project aims to help young people aged 16 – 24 in London, West Yorkshire and South Wales to re-engage with education, progress into training and/or move into or closer to employment and thereby realising their potential. This is done via one-to-one and group work sessions. Moreover, Choices provides advice and support to help young people become motivated and helps to find a work placement, training course, apprenticeship or job.
1.132 registered clients (Jahr 2014)
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
In Phase 1 of the evaluation the PBE team undertook a qualitative survey of SGT’s team leaders and caseworkers and their clients. This helped the team develop a better understanding of the impacts of SGT’s Choices programme and informed the process of creating an evaluation framework. A telephone survey was conducted in Summer 2014 with interviews taking up to 30 minutes. Overall 4 team leaders, 6 caseworkers and 18 clients were interviewed.
(1) productivity gains by achieving qualifications, women (2) productivity gains by achieving qualifications, men
(1) £110,395 (2) £170,984