Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
no improvement in mathematics outcomes for participants
Veränderung der schulischen Leistungen und Perspektiven
The overall result on maths outcomes was an effect size of 0. This effect can be envisaged as suggesting that on average pupils receiving the intervention would make no additional progress over the course of a year compared to similar pupils who did not.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Future Foundations Society CIC (Future Foundations) summer school programme
Literacy and numeracy catch-up intervention which provided extra schooling in the summer holidays; specially designed curriculum involving regular literacy and numeracy lessons taught by trained primary and secondary school teachers. Lessons were supported by mentors and peer-mentors and generally conducted in small teaching groups. Each afternoon, pupils participated in a variety of sports and enrichment activities. The programme took place across three sites in London and the South East: Brighton, Enfield and Islington.
four weeks
435 pupils
years 5 and 6
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
The findings are based on a randomised controlled trial, with individual random allocation to groups to the summer school or a control group who did not receive the intervention. The study was designed to involve 1,000 pupils. However, the problems with attracting pupils and keeping them in the project meant that the results are substantially weakened. The actual population of pupils who fitted the criteria set out for the programme caused an issue. After this group had been exhausted recruitment took place across a wider range of schools. Ultimately, 435 pupils signed up to the trial, which decreased the power of the study, while the high levels of dropout increased the risk that the findings are biased, as the pupils who attended the summer school may have been systematically different from those who did not. As a result, the findings cannot be taken as definitive.
(1) estimated cost of the programme per pupil (2) cost rating
(1) £1,370 (2) Very high: over £1,200 per pupil per year.