Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
skill development as perceived by participants
Erwerb von fach- und bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen
Study participants were extremely positive about the intervention and many felt it had a positive effect on the behaviour and skills of participating pupils.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
youth social action project delivered by the Youth United Foundation (YUF)
Involved uniformed youth organisations being established in schools in six areas in the north of England; YUF helped to set up new units of The Scout Association, Fire Cadets, Sea Cadets or St John Ambulance in participating schools. The number, duration, and frequency of sessions varied: most groups met weekly, sessions lasted two hours on average, and the average number of sessions in the academic year was 24. Activities were delivered by trained staff from the uniformed youth organisations and in some cases also involved adult volunteers, including teachers.
on average 24 sessions in the academic year (September 2014 - July 2015)
year 9 pupils
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
This was a simple two-group randomised controlled trial, with randomisation at the school level. School-level randomisation was deemed to be the most appropriate approach by the developers and funders because it would allow for testing the spill-over effects of the uniformed group on the whole cohort within the school, in addition to the impact of actually participating. The plan was to recruit 80 schools in the north of England with 40 schools receiving the intervention and the other 40 providing a control. The intervention started in September 2014 and ended in July 2015.
(1) average programme delivery costs per student per year (2) cost rating
(1) £180 (2) Low: up to about £200 per pupil per year.
7785 participants (4012 treatment group, 3769 control group)