Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Kurzfristig (< 1 Jahr)
Mikro (Individuum)

facilitation of skills development and knowledge acquisition on citizenship and participation

persönliche Entwicklung / Erwerb von sozialen und personalen Kompetenzen

On average, respondents chose more than 7 items, indicating a broad scope of knowledge acquired. Items related to participation and citizenship were chosen by 16% to 70% of respondents, with cultural diversity ranking exceptionally high with 70%, followed by European issues (37%), discrimination/non-discrimination (35%) and citizenship/participation in civil society and democratic life (31%) all ranking fairly high; while non-violence (16%), sustainable development (17%) and environmental issues (20%) were ranked rather low.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme
YiA projects are characterised by a broad variety of learning situations, methods and activities applied in each project; Available methods participants and project leaders could choose from are outdoor and sports activities or experimental learning methods.
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

In principle, the research on the programme and its activities envisages a combination of quantitative and qualitative social research methods and instruments, in particular surveys with project participants, project leaders and staff of beneficiary organisations as well as qualitative interviews and focus groups with different actors involved in Erasmus+/Youth in Action (E+/YiA). Surveys and interviews can also involve young people, youth leaders and youth workers not participating in the programme and thus acting as control groups. This research project aims to explore a broad scope of aspects of E+/YiA in order to contribute to practice development, to improving the implementation of E+/YiA and to the development of the next programme generation. It is a further development of the Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of Youth in Action, the main activity of the RAY Network between 2009 and 2013.
Competence development regarding: Education, training and learning; Project preparation, development and implementation; Youth policies/ youth policy development; Networks and partnership; Transfer of acquired competences into practice.
I now understand the concept of non-formal education and learning better.; I now understand the connections between formal, non-formal and informal education and learning better.; I have learned more about how to foster non-formal learning in youth work.; I have learned better how to choose, modify or develop adequate methods for working with young people.; I am now better able to deal with ambiguity and tensions in my engagement in the youth field.; I have learned better how to deal with unexpected situations in educational activities with young people.; I now plan to develop my youth work competences through adequate education and training activities.; I have improved my skills for the assessment of learning outcomes and competence development in through (intern.); I have learned more about how to actively involve young people in the preparation and implementation of projects.; I have learned better how to work in an international team.; If relevant I now consider how to include an international dimension in my work with young people.; I am now better able to acquire financial support for activities involving young people.; I am better equipped to assure the quality of a youth project I am organising.; I have improved my skills to design an activity/project for young people based on their interests and learning needs.; I have learned how to develop and implement better an international youth project.; I now know more about the content of youth policies at European level.; I now better understand how I can contribute to youth policy development.; I have established contact with youth workers/leaders in other countries who I intend to develop a project with.; I am now involved in partnerships or networks providing opportunities for future cooperation in the youth field.; I have learned something which I intend to use in my work/involvement with young people.; I have already applied knowledge and skills acquired during the project in my work/involvement in the youth field.
between October 2015 and April 2016