Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
development of an European identitiy for participants
persönliche Entwicklung / Erwerb von sozialen und personalen Kompetenzen
In order to better understand impact of the Youth Exchanges on young people and analyse them in detail, interesting findings can be observed in the responses given to more comprehensive questions. For instance, in parallel to the increase in the interest in European issues, eight out of ten young people state that they feel more European after the project.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
RAY: Research-based analysis and monitoring of the YiA (Youth in Action) Programme
Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of Youth in Action Programme (RAY Network) is an international initiative, established by a variety of National Agencies, in order to analyse the non-formal education experiences that the Youth in Action Programme provides for the young people and youth workers in a scientific, evidence-based and research-informed manner. Activity types available in Turkey include youth exchanges, youth initiatives, youth democracy projects, European voluntary service, training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations as well as meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy.
all participants in Turkey: 9438 (2012), 12497 (2013)
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Turkish Social Sciences Association won the bidding process of the National Agency of Turkey in May 2012 and fulfilled the duties of implementation of the quantitative and qualitative research, as the national research partner of the RAY research for the duration of June 2012-June 2014. Turkey became a partner country of the RAY Network in 2012, and in 2012, 2013 and 2014 the Turkish versions of the online questionnaires, prepared by the National Agency of Turkey and its research partner, were sent to all Youth in Action Programme participants as an invitation. Within the context of the RAY research, a number of qualitative research methods were also used in order to support the Special Survey.
How did the project affect you?
I now feel more as a European than before; I now feel more confident to move around on my own in other countries (e.g. travel, study, work placement [internship], job etc.); The participation in the project has contributed to my personal development; I have become aware of common European values (e.g. human rights, democracy, peace, tolerance, gender equality etc.); I got to know people from other countries with whom I am still in touch; I have learned better how to plan and organise a project; The project has raised my awareness of the fact that some people in our society are disadvantaged; The project has made me more receptive to Europe’s multi -culturality; I have established contacts with people in other countries which are useful for my involvement in social or olitical issues; I have established contacts with people in other countries which are useful for my professional development.
sample: 1451 participants (2012 and 2013);