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Mikro (Individuum)

successful development of an inter-regional cooperation in the youth sector

institutionelle Zusammenarbeit

This phase of the programme has succeeded in further developing an inter-regional cooperation (South-South co-operation) in the youth sector in a political context that is not always favourable for such a co-operation. EuroMed has created an innovative action in this sense, as youth exchanges have never before taken place in a multilateral dimension in the area. During the evaluation period the region has experimented with the first independent youth initiatives of regional scale. In addition, EuroMed has triggered and supported one of the most important youth initiatives to have taken place with young women and sports in the region.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

EuroMed Youth programme
EuroMed is the EU action programme set up to promote intercultural youth exchanges, volunteer service, and activities for youth workers between the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The participating Mediterranean partner countries during 2001-2003 were: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Occupied Territories, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.
The assessment was to cover the period from 2001 to 2003, thus partly encompassing both the first phase (1999-2001) and the second phase (2002-2004) of the programme. This evaluation would follow a previous mid-term evaluation conducted by Ecotec in August 2001. --> es werden nur zusätzliche Aspekte, die in der Evaluation der ersten Phase inkludiert wurden, in die Wirkungsbox eingetragen
VernetzungspartnerInnen (weitere Organisationen der Jugendarbeit, öffentliche Institutionen)
Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

The evaluation was carried out between April and September 2004 using research, fieldwork, evaluation workshops, and face-to-face interviews in nine MEDA countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and the Occupied Territories). It also encompassed a stakeholder meeting in Brussels with over 70 participants from Europe and the Mediterranean. The evaluation draws on data from personal contact with over 140 MEDA youth associations. It is additionally supported by on-line questionnaires launched on the web portal of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Platform.
April to September 2004