Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
limited improvement of the recognition of the non-formal education sector in participating thrid countries
gesellschaftliche Stellung bzw. Wahrnehmung
According to the results emerged from the field visits the impact of the third-country cooperation of the YOUTH programme at national level resulted to be not very significant. However, the YOUTH Programme did help some Programme and Third Countries to improve the recognition of the non-formal education sector and develop their youth policy. The low impact was mainly due to the recent start of the YOUTH programme third country cooperation strand. Anyway, as the Programme is still half-way of its programming period, a more significant impact at national level is to be expected in the future.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
YOUTH Programme
The YOUTH Programme's main objectives are “to contribute to the achievement of a Europe of knowledge and to create a European arena for cooperation in the development of youth policy, based on non-formal education". The main aims of the third-country cooperation strand of the YOUTH Programme are to extend and to deepen the solidarity among people, promote universal peace, dialogue, tolerance, give participants a better understanding of other countries’ situations and culture. The actions include Youth for Europe, European Voluntary Service, Youth Initiatives, Joint Actions and Support Measures.
current evaluation: 2000-2002; programme running time: 2000-2006
young people aged between 15 and 25 years
Gemeinschaft/ Gemeinden/ Kommunen
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Quantitative Fragebogenerhebung (schriftlich/offline), Qualitative Interviewbefragungen (persönlich), Sekundäranalyse von Daten, Dokumenten, audiovisuellen Materialien etc.
The evaluation was mainly based on qualitative aspects although some quantitative research was also undertaken. The amount of projects approved, the number of participants and the resources spent to run the projects provide a partial measure of how general and specific objectives of the Programme are being achieved. In this context, the evaluation focused more on qualitative than on quantitative aspects. As far as the period 2000-2002 is concerned, primary and secondary data collected during the evaluation - questionnaires, interviews with beneficiaries and official data - were used. A set of indicators was developed to analyse the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and visibility of the third-country cooperation strand of the YOUTH Programme.
March to August 2003