Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
fostering of the individual recognition of non-formal and informal learning through certification
Erwerb von fach- und bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen
Respondents saw Youthpass as fostering the individual recognition of non-formal and informal learning by offering support to project participants and organisers in releasing the full learning potential in international non-formal learning activities. They stated that Youthpass widens young people’s and project organisers' understanding and competence of learning and broadens the view of what they learned during the project.
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Youthpass Programme
Youthpass is the European tool to improve the recognition of the learning outcomes of young people and youth workers/leaders from their participation in projects supported by the EU Youth in Action Programme. Youthpass consists of certificates that can be obtained by participants in several Actions and sub-Actions of the Youth in Action Programme and of a defined process which supports young people, youth workers and youth organisations to reflect about the learning outcomes from a Youth in Action project.
over 235.000 issued certificats for participants
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
Quantitative Fragebogenerhebungen (online/telefonisch), Qualitative Interviewbefragungen (persönlich), Fokusgruppen
The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. It is based on online surveys targeted towards organisations which had implemented Youthpass in Youth in Action projects between 2007 and 2011 and participants in these projects. The surveys mainly included multiple choice questions with the possibility to add alternatives in case the answer was not provided within the choice. It also included an open question about respondents' awareness of examples of good practice concerning the use of Youthpass. In addition to the online questionnaires, seven focus groups with youth workers and project leaders were organised by Youth in Action National Agencies, involving between four and nine participants each. Two National Agencies carried out focus groups with five Youth in Action project participants each and three expert consultations were held involving the European YouthForum, Youthpass contact persons and the Youthpass Advisory Group. The expert consultations involved between six and eight participants each. In total, this impact study is based on the feedback of nearly 2,000 respondents.
study: nearly 2000 respondents