Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur
support for participants to clarify and solidify their career plans
Berufliche Orientierung
The German students reported how the YLEC experience changed their plans for the future, opening up new lines of action previously not envisioned. A few mentioned that YLEC helped them to clarify and solidify the direction of their career plans. One student described how the course helped him to feel more confident in his qualification for jobs related to sustainability: "There is this network Entwicklungspolitik and they are looking for people to work as educators who go to various schools and teach about topics that have to do with our consumption, sustainability, and the people in those countries, where our products are produced. They also do informational events for people who are interested in becoming such educators and I went to one of these. And maybe, before the course, that would have been too far from my main area of expertise." (GER02)
Beschreibung der Aktivität
Youth Leading Environmental Change (YLEC) education programme
YLEC is a multi-national education programme that engages university students in learning and action related to environmental issues, particularly environmental justice. Beginning in 2011, YLEC used a collaborative process (see Hickman and Riemer 2016) involving partners from six countries (i.e. Bangladesh, Canada, Germany, India, Uganda, and the U.S.A.) to design the pedagogical approach and content of a 11-unit workshop series. [...] The six countries involved in YLEC were selected purposefully to roughly represent two types of experience with climate change, the first being economically developing countries that face many direct impacts of climate change (i.e. Bangladesh, India, and Uganda), and the second being economically “developed” countries that significantly contribute to climate change without facing many direct impacts (i.e. Canada, Germany, and the U.S.A.).
Germany: 8 students Uganda: 36 students
university-aged youth
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Evaluierung der Aktivität
In this paper, we focus on the qualitative data collected from interviews conducted with participants approximately three months after the conclusion of the programme. The same interview guide was used in both Germany and Uganda, although adjustments were naturally made to suit the particulars of each setting.
Germany: 6 students (2 women and 4 men) Uganda: 24 students (40% women)
Dittmer, Livia/ Mugagga, Frank& Metternich, Alexander/ Schweizer-Ries, Petra/ Asiimwe, George/ Riemer, Manuel (2018): “We can keep the fire burning”: building action competence through environmental justice education in Uganda and Germany. Local Environment. Vol. 23, No. 2, 144-157. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2017.1391188