Wirkungsnachweis aus der Literatur

Mittelfristig (1 bis 5 Jahre)
Mikro (Individuum)

development of skills related to participation and active citizenship for participants

Erwerb von fach- und bereichsspezifischen Kompetenzen

The results of both research strands provide evidence that E+/YiA projects contribute to the development of skills important for participation and active citizenship, and that these developments are persistent. Several results of the online survey study suggest a gain in participation and citizenship skills of participants. There is a small positive shift between the first and the second survey waves in the self-assessment of the participants (median levels change from 7.3 to 7.7; in the third and fourth survey waves the levels reach 7.6). In contrast, the control group sample does not exhibit any changes in between the measurements. [...] Furthermore, the participants themselves indicate rather high skill gains as an effect of the project when asked about this during the second, third and fourth survey wave. The median scores are rather high between 6.7 and 7.3. [...] The acquired and/or deepened skills seem to be largely persistent. Two to three years after the project the interviewees partly still attribute the same importance to them as around one year after the project. Some even became more aware of them in the meantime and/or developed them further from other various learning environments.

Beschreibung der Aktivität

RAY: Research-based analysis and monitoring of the YiA (Youth in Action) Programme
‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ (E+/YiA) is part of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union supporting international projects in the youth field. The ‘Research-based Analysis of Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ (RAY) is a research programme conducted by the RAY Network, which includes the National Agencies of Erasmus+ Youth in Action and their research partners in currently 33 countries*. This RAY study on Long-term Effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship (RAY LTE) presents a final transnational analysis of the results from surveys and interviews between 2015 and 2018 with project participants and project leaders/team members involved in E+/YiA projects.
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche
Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche

Evaluierung der Aktivität

The research questions are addressed through a mixed-method approach using quantitative and qualitative social research methods. Standardised multilingual online surveys were conducted with project participants and project leaders/team members19 as well as with a control group20 at four stages: before the core activity/the intensive phase of the project21, two to three months after the end of the activity, one year after the end of the activity and again two to three years after the end of the activity. At each of the four stages (‘survey waves’ or ‘measurements’), the participants and project leaders were asked the same questions, including the same answer items in order to assess their participation/citizenship competences and practices in each survey wave and, thus, the change between the surveys. In addition, questions related to their profile and previous activities outside the project context were also addressed. In parallel, complementary qualitative interviews were conducted at three different stages: before the core activity/the intensive phase of the project, one year after its end and again two to three years after its end. In addition, a conference was held in Strasbourg in May 2018, that brought together project participants, who had been interviewed as part of this study, project leaders/team members of projects explored through this study as well as researchers and representatives of E+/YiA National Agencies involved in this study. In total around 90 persons attended the conference, in which interim findings of the study were presented and discussed.
Skills index
Discussing convincingly Cooperating efficiently in a team. Forming independent opinions. Negotiating joint solutions. Discussing political issues seriously. Finding information. Coming up with ideas in the interest of a community. Getting along with people from different backgrounds. Keeping up with changes.
Participants: 1.231 respondents (1st survey), 711 (2nd survey), 381 (3rd survey), 217 (4th survey) Control group: 136 respondents (1st survey), 66 (2nd survey), 38 (3rd survey), 29 (4th survey) Project leaders: 60 respondents (1st survey), 176 (2nd survey), 111 (3rd survey), 73 (4th survey) Participants interviewed 3 times: 82 (145 interviewed once and 112 interviewed twice)