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Mikro (Individuum)
Psychisch & Physiologisch

growth in personal and professional identity

persönliche Entwicklung / Erwerb von sozialen und personalen Kompetenzen

Two themes constructed from respondent comments (N = 38/54) identified the usefulness of workforce competencies and growth in personal and professional identity. […] Sub-themes related to personal and professional identity (27% of codes) were reciprocally-related to competence indicators. For instance, confidence was described as a consequence of practicing skills: “Project YES helped me become more confident in myself and my abilities” and as a foundation for current work: “...managing a room of many kids (during internship) has given me more confidence when speaking in front of large groups of people.” Competencies and personal qualities were found useful in diverse settings (e.g., school, training and counseling in community and military programs, human resources, corporate technical assistance, entrepreneurship, graduate school) and audiences (e.g., children, youth, adults).

Beschreibung der Aktivität

Project YES (Youth Extension Service)
Project YES is an initiative of the US Department of Defense Office of Employer Program and Policy and the US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture through a cooperative agreement with the authors’ institution. The primary objective of the program is to implement a high-quality national internship program engaging college students motivated to serve the needs of National Guard and Reserve Component (RC) military families during all phases of deployment. Project YES interns work with military youth, ages 6–17, participating in Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) events, by facilitating evidence-based educational activities that promote leadership, life skills, and resilient behaviors. Additionally, interns learn leadership and career readiness skills. The program has employed 167 interns between 2010 and 2019 and served 28,373 military youth at 920 national and international events.
2010 to 2019
120 interns served in Project YES fron 2010 to 2017, 115 of whom were located and invited to participate in the study
teilnehmende Kinder und Jugendliche PraktikerInnen/JugendarbeiterInnen/MentorenInnen
SchülerInnen/ Lehrlinge/ Studierende

Evaluierung der Aktivität

Quantitative measures: A modified version of the intern exit survey (Silliman et al., 2020), including demographic items, asked respondents to rate the importance of internship training and experience (T&E) on each of 40 YW competencies relative to performance in their current workplace. The survey focus was restricted to behavioral competencies to maintain consistency with exit survey and training priorities, reduce response burden and thus maximize response rate. Qualitative measures: To enhance understanding of participants’ experiences (Creswell & Plano, 2018, p. 169) and inform future research on program effects open-ended questions asked for descriptions and examples on four topics: 1) topics, strategies, or tools learned that were useful beyond internship; 2) preparation and support for internship challenges, struggles, and failures; 3) internship influence on education and career decisions; and 4) program improvements in specific areas and overall.
Adapting to Change (ATC) Coping with Pressures (CWP) Working with People (WWP) Delivering Results(DEL) Learning Mindset (LRN) Positive Work Ethic (PWE) Following Insztructions and Procedure (FIP) Presentation Skills (PRES) Applying Technology (AT)
Participants included 34 of 82 alumni (41%) and 20 of 33 current interns (61%)